Centre(s) et périphérie(s) dans le monde byzantin

Les doctorants en études byzantines souhaitent se rencontrer pour échanger, confronter et présenter leurs recherches. Le thème retenu pour cette première rencontre, en septembre 2008 à Paris, est « Centre(s) et périphérie(s) dans le monde byzantin ». L’appel à communications s’adresse à tous les doctorants travaillant sur la civilisation byzantine, quel que soit leur domaine de spécialisation (histoire, histoire de l’art, archéologie, philologie, etc.). Université Lumière Lyon 2 École Pratique des Hautes Études Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Université Libre de Bruxelles Paris, 12-13 septembre 2008 http://calenda.revues.org/nouvelle9503.html

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I Magistri commacini. Mito e realtà del medioevo lombardo

La Fondazione CISAM, in collaborazione con l’Università dell’Insubria e l’International Reserch Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversitiesdi Varese, dal 23 al 25 ottobre 2008 organizza il XIX Congresso storico internaziondal sul tema “I Magistri commacini. Mito e realtà del medioevo lombardo. Como-Varese 23-25 ottobre 2008 Scarica il programma

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International aerial archaeology conference

International aerial archaeology conference – AARG 2008 LJUBLJANA, 9-11September 2008. Hosted by the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts University of Ljubljana. Proposals for sessions, papers and posters are invited. The following sessions have been proposed, for which offers of papers are welcome: Aerial Archaeology in the Mediterranean; New Projects; Postgraduate research; Airborne Thematic Mapping/Airborne Laser Scanning; An archaeology of natural place… from the air; Aerial photography in context – recording landscape and urban areas. Session titles are provisional and all papers and session proposals are welcome. Oral papers should…

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XV congresso internazionale di archeolgia cristiana – Episcopus, civitas, territorium

Il prossimo mese di settembre avrà luogo a Toledo (Spagna)il XV Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana. Una riunione scientifica possibile grazie agli importanti sussidi economici concessi dal Miniestero di “Educaciò y Cultura” della Spagna, la “Junta di Comunidades di Castilla – La Mancha” e l’Università Autonoma di Madrid. La pagina web del sito ufficiale del Congresso –www.xvciac.es – e il modulo di registrazione sono disponibili in lingua spagnola, in Italiano e in Inglese. Le comunicazioni afferenti alle sessioni plenarie devono trattare del ruolo e delle attività del vescovo nell’ambito dei diversi…

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35th Anniversary of the Harris Matrix

On behalf of the organizing committee we would like to announce an International Conference on Archaeological Stratigraphy on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Harris Matrix. The conference will be held from 17th to 19th September 2008 at the Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna (Austria).  The conference examines the state of the art and the scientific presentation of the stratigraphic method as initially defined by E.C. Harris. The planned scientific sessions will focus on the impact of the matrix and the future development of stratigraphic theory and practice, ethical aspects, digital…

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Da oggi on-line la versione 3.0 di ArcheologiaMedievale.it

Da oggi è on-line la versione 3.0 di ArcheologiaMedievale.it

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XIX Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico

I bambini sono i protagonisti e gli ospiti principali delle mattine della diciannovesima edizione della Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico. Infatti lo schermo dell’Auditorium “Fausto Melotti” si vivacizzerà con le immagini di decine di cartoni animati aventi come argomento il Mondo Antico. Questi brevi capolavori sono stati prodotti per i più giovani, ma le persone adulte ne saranno attratte non meno e forse di più. Ma il numeroso pubblico che sempre frequenta la rassegna non avrà il tempo di annoiarsi: 76 film provenienti da 14 nazioni si “inseguiranno” nei rimanenti spazi delle…

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The 4th International Conference on Open Source Systems

Dal sito: Over the past decade, the Open Source Software (OSS) phenomenon has had a global impact on the way organisations and individuals create, distribute, acquire and use software and software-based services. OSS has challenged the conventional wisdom of the software engineering and software business communities, has been instrumental for educators and researchers, and has become an important aspect of e-government and information society initiatives. OSS is a complex phenomenon and requires a interdisciplinary understanding of its engineering, technical, economic, legal and socio-cultural dynamics. The goal of OSS 2008 is…

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FOSS4G 2008

The OSGeo Conference Committee is pleased to announce that the 2008 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, with the tentative dates of September 29th to October 3th 2008. The OSGeo Conference Committee would like to thank all of those who submitted to host the 2008 conference, we were all very impressed with the number and quality of proposals. With the 2007 conference approaching (http://www.foss4g2007.org/) and the excitement building in the FOSS4G community, the 2008 conference will be an important…

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