Early Medieval Finds from the British Isles

Early Medieval Finds from the British Isles
A day conference on theoretical and practical approaches to material culture

9.00 Registration and coffee
9.30 Introduction and Welcome – Helena Hamerow
9.45 ‘The difference that the PAS makes: the theoretical benefits of using PAS data’ – Helen Geake
10.15 ‘Interpreting Roman dress accessories’  – Ellen Swift
10.45 Refreshments / Student Poster Presentations
11.00 ‘Pottery and Early Medieval Archaeology’ – Ben Jervis
11.30  ‘Craft. Design. Technology. Three Perspectives for the Study of Early Medieval Worked Bone Industry’ – Steve Ashby
12.00 ‘Developing approaches to finds research’ – Jackie Keily
12.30 Lunch / Student Poster Presentations
1.30 ‘Moving beyond style: methodological and theoretical approaches to the archaeology of stone sculpture’ – Aleksandra McClain
2.00 ‘Archaeologies of early medieval coinage’ – John Naylor
2.30 Title TBA – Gabor Thomas
3.00 Questions and Discussion
4.00 Tour of Ashmolean Museum Money and England Galleries

Saturday, May 29th 2010. Manor Road Building, Oxford

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