Excavations at the Domskirke in Ribe, Denmark began in 2008 and analysis of the results lend new insight into early Christianity, where this may have been one of the first places in the country where a small enclave of Christians worshipped and died. Studies have now shown that there may have been Christian Vikings in Ribe around AD865. Denmark officially became a Christian country around the year AD965 when Harald Bluetooth announced his deed on the Jelling stone (see below). It now seems possible that 100 years before this countrywide…

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Il Prof. Paul Arthur in tre video che ci parlano del medioevo Salentino

guarda i video. San Nicola di Casole (Otranto) Il villaggio medievale di Apigliano, Martano La Motta di Supersano

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Anthropomotron – Forensic Anthropology Estimates Made Easy

Anthropomotron gathers and simplifies calculations used by anthropologists to estimate the height and body mass of an individual based on a few key measurements of their skeleton. For example, the user can enter the length of a femur and Anthropomotron will provide an estimate of the individual’s full standing height tailored to their sex and ancestry. Anthropomotron is great for anthropologists who need these tools but would prefer them in one convenient place, educators teaching biological or forensic anthropology to their students, and people curious about real anthropological techniques. Features:…

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Santa Maria Foris Portas: ultime indagini

Scuola di Dottorato in storia, critica e conservazione dei beni culturali Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici Il giorno lunedi’ 24 febbraio 2014, presso la Sala Consiglio del Palazzo Liviano, alle ore 15:00 si terrà un seminario di studi sul tema “Ultime ricerche eseguite nella chiesa altomedievale di Santa Maria foris portas (Castelseprio)”, interverranno: – Giovanna Valenzano e Gian Pietro Brogiolo (Università degli Studi di Padova) – Maria Andaloro (Università degli Studi di Viterbo) – Vincenzo Gheroldi (SBAP Brescia, Cremona e Mantova) Sono invitati a partecipare i dottorandi, gli specializzandi,…

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