Rendlesham: Archaeologists’ excitement at discovery of ‘exceptional’ royal site linked to Sutton Hoo

A series of archaeological investigations over the past six years on land at Rendlesham have revealed items from around 14 centuries ago which show the site was inhabited by high-status Anglo-Saxons and used for international trade for around 300 years. Archaeologists believe the site – covering more than 100 acres – was possibly home to a royal palace, a wooden hall surrounded by other buildings with a magnificent dining hall at its heart. This would be where travelling kings stayed, possibly including Raedwald, who is buried at Sutton Hoo. It…

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Fortified Settlements of the 9th and 10th Centuries ad in Central Europe: Structure, Function and Symbolism

Fortified Settlements of the 9th and 10th Centuries ad in Central Europe: Structure, Function and Symbolism Hajnalka Herold Medieval Archaeology: 56, (2012) Abstract The structure, function(s) and symbolism of early medieval (9th–10th centuries ad) fortified settlements from central Europe, in particular today’s Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia, are examined in this paper. It offers an overview of the current state of research together with new insights based on analysis of the site of Gars-Thunau in Lower Austria. Special emphasis is given to the position of the fortified sites in…

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