Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) n. 4

On line e open access l’indice e la sezione “dossier” di PCA 4 con articoli sull’archeologia dell’incolto e la comunicazione dell’archeologia.

The European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the communication of post-classical research. PCA publishes a variety of manuscript types, including original research, discussions and review articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the science and practice of archaeology, particularly multidisciplinary research which use specialistic methodologies applied to the archaeology of post-classical Europe.

PCA’s manuscript review process is rigorous and is intended to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each submitted manuscript, determine which manuscripts are suitable for publication, and to work with the authors to improve their manuscript prior to publication.

Post-Classical Archaeologies is published once a year in May, starting in 2011.


Volume 4 (2014)



S. Burri Reflections on the concept of marginal landscape through a study of late medieval incultum in Provence (South-eastern France) PCA YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD

O. Vésteinsson et alii Expensive errors or rational choices? The pioneer fringe in Late Viking Age Iceland

R. Schreg Uncultivated landscape or wilderness? Early medieval land use in low mountain ranges and flood plains of Southern Germany (OPEN ACCESS)

J.M. Martín Civantos Mountain domestication. Management of non-cultivated productive areas in Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almeria, Spain)

L. Peña-Chocarro, P. Alkain, M. Urteaga Wild, managed and cultivated plants in northern Iberia: an archaeobotanical approach to Medieval plant exploitation in the Basque Country

D.E. Angelucci, F. Carrer, F. Cavulli Shaping a periglacial land into a pastoral landscape: a case study from Val di Sole (Trento, Italy)

F. Redi Insediamenti estremi d’altura nell’Abruzzo interno: l’incolto e la pastorizia

A. Colecchia, S. Agostini Economie marginali e paesaggi storici nella Maiella settentrionale (Abruzzo, Italia)


A. Castrorao Barba Continuità topografica in discontinuità funzionale: trasformazioni e riusi delle ville romane in Italia tra III e VIII secolo

A. Porcheddu Morfologia e metrologia dei particellari post-classici: trasformazioni nella centuriazione a nord di Cremona

A. Baeriswyl What shall we do with 10,000 small excavations a year? Quantity and quality in urban archaeology


G.P. Brogiolo Comunicare l’archeologia in una economia sostenibile (OPEN ACCESS)

C. Holtorf, A. Högberg Communicating with future generations: what are the benefits of preserving cultural heritage? Nuclear power and beyond (OPEN ACCESS)

D. Kobialka Archaeology and communication with the public: archaeological open-air museums and historical re-enactment in action (OPEN ACCESS)

C. Bonacchi Understanding the public experience of archaeology in the UK and Italy: a call for a sociological movement in Public Archaeology (OPEN ACCESS)

G. Volpe, G. De Felice Comunicazione e progetto culturale, archeologia e società (OPEN ACCESS)

L.-J. Richardson The Day of archaeology: blogging and online archaeological communities (OPEN ACCESS)


J. Wienberg Historical archaeology in Sweden


E. Jantsma et al. The Dark Age of the Lowlands in an interdisciplinary light: people, landscape and climate in The Netherlands between AD 300 and 1000 (OPEN ACCESS)

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